COVID-19 Update from The FAB Awards

At The FAB Awards, the health and safety of all is of utmost importance to us.

Now that the Virus situation has been declared a Pandemic and given the escalating concerns around Covid-19,  we need to do the right thing for our Staff, Supporters, Judges, Entrants, Attendees, Suppliers and Partners and would never jeopardise their wellbeing.

We would like to assure everyone that, whatever happens,  Judging will take place and FAB’s will be Awarded to the usual highest standards that you have come to expect from us and our Juries.

Here is what we are doing to keep everyone safe and will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates, as and when required:

The 22nd FAB Awards

Judging is scheduled to commence on 27th March, as planned. It will still involve LIVE Jury Online deliberations and will last a period of 4 weeks to conclude all the Various Jury Sessions.

The Awards Ceremony at The Hurlingham Club on 20th May will need to be cancelled. We would not wish to place attendees in a position where their Health is potentially at risk by being part of a large gathering. This is also part of our Govt. Health Advice. Currently, our plan is to replace the Awards Evening with an Online Awards Ceremony where all results are revealed on the same date as planned, in a timely and elegant manner. After evaluating feedback from a number of sources, we conclude that releasing the results on the same date as originally planned would serve the industry well. We will also consider hosting a Live Event, once it is declared safe to do so.

The FAB Forum at Google

As you are aware, we have been hosting our FAB Forum, fully Sponsored and powered by Google for a few years now. The FAB Forum is an “invite only” and a highly sought after event where Brands, Creative, Media and Tech come together to shine a light on Thought Leadership in Food and Beverage Marketing.

Our Sponsors at Google have been tremendously supportive during these challenging times and here are some of the options we are considering:

Based on the current situation and to avoid the assembly of a large congregation, we would postpone The FAB Forum which was scheduled for Tuesday, 19th May.

Both Google and us at The FAB Awards are looking to secure an alternative date to host our FAB Forum. This might well be in late September or October 2020. We will keep everyone posted with updates.

In Summary:

  1. Judging for The 22nd FAB Awards continues on schedule, as normal
  2. The Awards Evening scheduled for 20th May is cancelled and replaced with an Online Awards Ceremony.
  3. The FAB Forum postponed and we are looking for a suitable date in late September or October.
  4. Further updates will follow, as and when necessary.

On behalf of us all at The FAB Awards, we want to thank you for being supporters, for placing your trust in our organisation to handle your entries with utmost integrity and care and for working together to navigate through these unprecedented and challenging times.

We also send you all our Love, Wishes and Strength to sustain and overcome the challenges ahead!


The FAB Team